僕はカダザン・ドゥスンとムルットの伝統に、ルーツである中国を融合させている。プタタン市で育った僕は、母親の中華系の伝統の影響を強く受けた。メルボルンで勉強した後、サバ州の田舎で父親の遺産を探求することに引力を感じた。この経験が『The Kadus』のインスピレーションとなり、自分の多様なアイデンティティを理解し、豊かな祖先の風景を発見する旅を記録している。
As a native Sabahan, combines his Kadazan-Dusun and Murut heritage with his Chinese roots. Growing up in Putatan, he was more influenced by his mother's Chinese traditions. After studying in Melbourne, he felt compelled to explore his father's heritage in rural Sabah. This experience served as the inspiration for "The Kadus," in which he documents his journey to comprehend his diverse identity and discover the rich ancestral landscape. Kadus is a shortform for Kadazan-Dusun.